
Showing posts from May, 2023

Is The Proposed Draft E-Waste Management Rules, 2022 Necessary? The Problems Discussed

 On May 19th, 2022, the Ministry of Environment, Forest, and Climate Change released a new draft of the e-waste management rules. The draft, although a renewed version of the rules stated in 2016, was made public for reviews and feedback. The webinar organized by Karo Sambhav, in association with GIZ India, commenced with a serious analysis of the need for the proposed draft on e-waste management rules 2022. Mr Pranshu Singhal, the notable founder of Karo Sabhav, resumed the session by raising a few questions for the panellists present. To begin with, Pranshu explained how the  e-waste management  rules of 2016 highlighted the importance of following a strategic approach to channel e-waste in a sound way. The role of consumers and the responsibility of producers and dismantlers in waste management was well outlined by the prior set of rules. Besides, the E-waste management rules, 2016 also suggested the importance and the urgency of establishing collection centres for an authorized acc

What Is Critical For The Success Of EPR Implementation?

  The importance of enabling circular economy has been a subject of discussion for years now. The country has introduced laws to manage and limit the waste created, also known as EPR or Extended Producer Responsibility. Besides enacting laws to limit and tackle the growing quantum of waste, it is crucial for countries to encourage a better adoption of circular economy across the value chain. However, the 62 million tonnes of solid waste generated in India every year clearly proves that the right implementation of circular economy or EPR is somewhere missing.  In a recently hosted webinar by Karo Sambhav in collaboration with GIZ India, the challenges barring the successful implementation of  EPR  were narrated extensively. The webinar witnessed participation by a profound group of panellists from the high ranks of the industry and government bodies. Before we share the limelight on the minutes of the webinar, let us first clear the air around EPR.  So, what is EPR, and why is it import

The Circular Economy In India: Exploring Circular Jobs and Economic Growths

  The significance of circular economy is not unknown. While India is gradually transitioning towards circular economy, it is driving sustainability and economic growth. What’s more, the World Economic Forum predicts that circular economy paves the way for over 50 million careers. In addition to economic growth, circular economy principles have made an enormous market for job seekers too. Are you curious to know more about the job market that circular economy intends to create? Let’s read:   Material sorters Design specialists for repurposing materials  Repair technicians to repair and maintain products  Specialists in refurbishing and upgrading used products  Craftsmen with skills in metalworking Sustainable materials expert Circular product designers  Supply chain managers, and more.   Can you imagine a future where all used materials and broken products are easily upcycled and processed for further use? There wouldn’t be any waste piling up in the landfills, right? Well, circular e