
Showing posts with the label EPR e-waste

Is The Proposed Draft E-Waste Management Rules, 2022 Necessary? The Problems Discussed

 On May 19th, 2022, the Ministry of Environment, Forest, and Climate Change released a new draft of the e-waste management rules. The draft, although a renewed version of the rules stated in 2016, was made public for reviews and feedback. The webinar organized by Karo Sambhav, in association with GIZ India, commenced with a serious analysis of the need for the proposed draft on e-waste management rules 2022. Mr Pranshu Singhal, the notable founder of Karo Sabhav, resumed the session by raising a few questions for the panellists present. To begin with, Pranshu explained how the  e-waste management  rules of 2016 highlighted the importance of following a strategic approach to channel e-waste in a sound way. The role of consumers and the responsibility of producers and dismantlers in waste management was well outlined by the prior set of rules. Besides, the E-waste management rules, 2016 also suggested the importance and the urgency of establishing collection centres for an authorized acc

E-Waste Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) Compliance

 Are you aware of the growing importance of waste management? An organised and strategic endeavour to dispose of, reduce, reuse, and prevent the generation of waste describes the working and purpose of waste management in a nutshell. Appropriate disposal of waste is extremely important to keep up with global cleanliness and sustainability. Little do you know that we generate over 400 million tonnes of waste every year, and the number is only increasing. Do you know the consequences of growing waste? Right from climate change to the contamination of soil, air, and water, waste is a major concern for the rising global crises. Moreover, the economic impacts of waste are not underrated as well. The growing waste piles also imply an increasing ratio of wasted natural resources. Do you know how burdening that is? Also, the growing size of landfills lowers the value of land by leaps and bounds. In short, the effects of waste go beyond the adversities of the environment. The toxic compounds fr

Why Should I Care About EPR And What Is It?

  The growing awareness about extended producer responsibility in India is quite evident. Some describe EPR as a proactive business measure, while others define EPR as an environmental protection strategy. Ever wondered why you should care about EPR at all? More importantly, what is extended producer responsibility all about? Let’s explain: What is extended producer responsibility, and why is it important? Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) is a stringent policy approach for entrepreneurs, manufacturers, recyclers, and importers. According to the environmental policy, producers and business owners are entailed to rethink, strategise, and improve the entire life cycle of products from scratch. This implies that a producer is responsible for figuring out sustainable product designs that serve long and keep a close watch on the lifecycle of products post-consumption. If you are not already aware, the constant demand for newer and innovative products every day implies increased scaveng