
Showing posts with the label e-waste disposal

How We Can Turn e Waste into a Resource for Good

The ever-increasing count of electronic waste or e-waste poses an immense threat to the environment and public health. On closer scrutiny, you would notice how the top e-waste management companies in India are focusing on the continuous rise in the waste percentage. Although, the good news is that, with the correct approach and strategies, we would be able to evolve the increasing challenge into an opportunity eventually by incorporating a circular economy and proper E-waste management .  Digging Deeper into the E-Waste Disposal Concern Electronic devices have become a crucial part of our lives - continuously progressing to meet the growing demand for better and fresh technologies. As a result, e-waste has become one of the most significant growing waste streams across the world. The e-waste disposal leads to quite a huge amount, and the incorrect handling releases toxic elements like cadmium, lead, and mercury, contaminating the soil, air, and water.    The Circular Economy Approach

Everything You Need To Know About the E-Waste Recycling and its Function in the Circular Economy

For the longest time, people raised concerns about regular garbage and its disposal on the roadways. How many times have you noticed yourself grumbling about your nearby street - “These roads, no matter how much they are scrubbed, people will always throw garbage on it.” Like our regular garbage of leftover veggies and cardboard boxes, there is another kind of waste on the rise. A type of waste that is a direct product of the emerging digitalisation and evolution of the world. We are talking about E-Waste or Electronic Waste. Last year saw the revamp of the existing E-Waste Management Rules (2016). Today, more and more people are inquisitive about the growing risk of electronic waste and buckled up about its recycling. But how? E-Waste disposal is a humongous thing to understand, let alone implement. The world is in introductory terms with the apprehension of the paradigm shift from linear manufacturing to the circular economy model. The circular economy is most active in the elect

E-Waste Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) Compliance

 Are you aware of the growing importance of waste management? An organised and strategic endeavour to dispose of, reduce, reuse, and prevent the generation of waste describes the working and purpose of waste management in a nutshell. Appropriate disposal of waste is extremely important to keep up with global cleanliness and sustainability. Little do you know that we generate over 400 million tonnes of waste every year, and the number is only increasing. Do you know the consequences of growing waste? Right from climate change to the contamination of soil, air, and water, waste is a major concern for the rising global crises. Moreover, the economic impacts of waste are not underrated as well. The growing waste piles also imply an increasing ratio of wasted natural resources. Do you know how burdening that is? Also, the growing size of landfills lowers the value of land by leaps and bounds. In short, the effects of waste go beyond the adversities of the environment. The toxic compounds fr

Important Information On How Businesses Should Manage E-Waste

 The rapid evolution of technology in recent decades makes it far-fetched to picture a world without smart televisions, air conditioners, smartphones, laptops, GPS devices, and an array of upgraded digital equipment. Of course, the revolutionary change is praiseworthy. However, the odds are just as significant. Wondering how? Well, the counts of electronic waste have spiked by leaps and bounds. Reportedly, over 50 million metric tonnes of e-waste are produced worldwide every year. India alone generated approximately 1014961.2 tonnes of electronic garbage in 2019-2020. The unprecedented spike in waste is quite a concern.  If you are not aware already, only 20% of the generated electronic garbage is dismantled and recycled. Surely an underwhelming number, clearly suggesting that the untreated waste is left as it is adding to the solid waste stream. It is no surprise that the surging e-waste problem calls for a greater emphasis on strategic waste management policies. As a part of the init