
Showing posts from September, 2023

Navigating Environmental Laws with EPR Consulting

  As more businesses seek to reduce their environmental impact, Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) services are becoming increasingly popular. EPR services require companies to take responsibility for a product's entire lifecycle, from design to disposal. This includes ensuring that products are easily recyclable or biodegradable, and providing consumers with information on how to properly dispose of them.  EPR solutions are particularly important for bulk consumers, like manufacturers and retailers, who produce large quantities of products that may have a significant impact on the environment. EPR consultants can assist these businesses in navigating the complex environmental laws related to product design, labelling, and disposal. They can also help businesses develop EPR programs that meet regulatory requirements and promote sustainability. EPR consulting offers a variety of services, including auditing and compliance assessments, program design and implementation, and

Sustainable E-Waste Management: Why It Matters and How To Implement It

  The present-day world displays how more and more people are indulging in technology, and as a result, there is a simultaneous increase in e-waste. Approximately 50 million tonnes of e-waste is accumulated annually, with a mere 20% of the same being recycled. This turns out to be a critical threat to the surrounding and human health since e-waste comprises toxic materials like cadmium, lead, and mercury.    Extended Producer Responsibility - EPR in waste management is one answer to this challenge. EPR is a policy concept that holds producers responsible for their products' whole lifecycle, including disposal. Manufacturers would be incentivized to devise items with recyclability in mind and to accept responsibility for their disposal if EPR was used in e-waste management.  Through the E-waste Management Rules 2016, India has applied EPR in waste management , including e-waste. These laws require producers to collect and dispose of e-waste in an environmentally responsible manner,