
Important Things To Keep In Mind When Addressing The Global E-Waste Problem

  E-waste is a critical problem in the present times. And why not? From smart gadgets to smart homes, technology is integrated into every aspect of our lives. Think about it – even the simplest products have sensors and semiconductors fitted in them. Have you heard about wearable monitors or water vapour extractors? Technology is at the core of every device and every little thing we use. Evolution in technology is only evident. However, how often do we think about the products that become outdated or unusable with time? We definitely don’t, and this explains why e-waste crossed the 50 million metric tonne benchmark back in 2020. The counts have only doubled over the years.  A surprising fact:  According to the stats, in 2023, the count of untreated e-waste exceeds 347 million metric tonnes on the face of the earth.  Have you wondered if there’s a smart and pragmatic way to tackle the growing e-waste crisis? Thinking about recycling? Despite the increasing awareness about recycling, onl

E-Waste Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) Compliance

 Are you aware of the growing importance of waste management? An organised and strategic endeavour to dispose of, reduce, reuse, and prevent the generation of waste describes the working and purpose of waste management in a nutshell. Appropriate disposal of waste is extremely important to keep up with global cleanliness and sustainability. Little do you know that we generate over 400 million tonnes of waste every year, and the number is only increasing. Do you know the consequences of growing waste? Right from climate change to the contamination of soil, air, and water, waste is a major concern for the rising global crises. Moreover, the economic impacts of waste are not underrated as well. The growing waste piles also imply an increasing ratio of wasted natural resources. Do you know how burdening that is? Also, the growing size of landfills lowers the value of land by leaps and bounds. In short, the effects of waste go beyond the adversities of the environment. The toxic compounds fr

How Extended Producer Responsibility is Changing the Face of Business

  The buzz around Extended Producer Responsibility, or EPR, is definitely evident. Will you not agree? However, aren’t you curious to find out how the strategic policy approach is contributing to a paradigm shift in the face of business? Let’s read about it. The story about plastics, electronics, and waste cropping up as a primary environmental concern is not unheard of. Industries dealing in consumer goods such as electronics, food packaging, plastic items, and more leave a burgeoning trail of waste behind. Now, with a multitude of organisations functioning across the globe, the collective waste output is overwhelming and threatening. If you are not aware already, even the tiniest bit of non-biodegradable plastic takes 400 -500 years to decompose naturally. Besides, the chemicals in the gigatonnes of trashed electronics affect the quality of the environment and health on earth. Since recycling isn’t enough to remove waste from the face of the earth, environmentalists, in collaborati

Why Should I Care About EPR And What Is It?

  The growing awareness about extended producer responsibility in India is quite evident. Some describe EPR as a proactive business measure, while others define EPR as an environmental protection strategy. Ever wondered why you should care about EPR at all? More importantly, what is extended producer responsibility all about? Let’s explain: What is extended producer responsibility, and why is it important? Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) is a stringent policy approach for entrepreneurs, manufacturers, recyclers, and importers. According to the environmental policy, producers and business owners are entailed to rethink, strategise, and improve the entire life cycle of products from scratch. This implies that a producer is responsible for figuring out sustainable product designs that serve long and keep a close watch on the lifecycle of products post-consumption. If you are not already aware, the constant demand for newer and innovative products every day implies increased scaveng

Are The Companies Prepared For EPR?

  Have you heard environmentalists and world leaders speak volumes about the importance of implementing strategic waste management? It is certainly a need of the hour, owing to the increasing problems of environmental crises and hazardous human conditions. To further the purpose of waste management, a strategic policy known as  Extended Producer Responsibility EPR  is brought into the limelight. Sounds a little too technical, right? Well, EPR refers to a tactical policy approach that obligates producers and manufacturers to work out ways for an end-to-end treatment and disposal of post-consumer products.    Simply put,  Extended Producer Responsibility EPR  encourage producers to do more than look into the conventional sale of the products. Accordingly, a producer is liable to extend the life of products and ensure methodic and environmental-friendly disposal of products. In short, a producer is responsible for collecting the packaging materials and consumed products and ensuring saf

What is Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR)?

Are you aware of the importance of waste management? The growing mountain of waste stands out as a major environmental concern and a serious health hazard. Think about it – the countless electronic trash, battery waste, glass waste, and solid waste; it all ends up stacking in landfills. A meagre portion of the waste is incinerated or recycled by unauthorised recyclers. Do you think it is enough to treat and get rid of the mounting waste? Of course, not! It is critical to work on the root level to manage and dispose of waste the right way. Hence, extended producer responsibility EPR cropped up as a strategic endeavour to manage waste effectively. So, what does extended producer responsibility in India imply? It is a strategic policy approach that bestows producers with the responsibility of treating and disposing of post-consumer products. Besides, the policy encourages users to figure out ways to extend the span of end-of-life products. For example, businesses associated with the manu

Importance Of Sustainable Packaging To Drive Circular Economy And Environmental Benefits

  Single-use plastic packaging waste has cropped up as an alarming issue in recent times. Would you agree any less? Of course, the buzz to raise consumer awareness around packaging and plastic waste is quite high. Haven’t you heard of recycling and a  circular economy model ? Unfortunately, as the phrase goes,  ‘the proof is in the pudding;’   the landfills remain unaffected regardless of the reformative drive. Think about it – packaging is ubiquitous. From securing fragile products from breakage to minimising food waste, packaging plays a key role in various lines of business. The dramatic expansion of new-end markets globally and a spike in cheaper choice of substrates like plastic is definitely not underrated. Sadly, the growing usage of single-use packaging is burdening and detrimental to the environment.  Did you know that the world generates approximately 400 million tonnes of plastic waste every year? India alone produces over 3.6 lakh million tonnes of plastic waste in a calend