What are the Fairest Approaches to Make Batteries More Sustainable?

 There is hardly any technology expansion that is devoid of batteries. Batteries have been an integral part of transformation and convenience since the bygone ages. If you look around, you will notice that the majority of your equipment runs on batteries. In fact, most of us generally have a backup battery available always. It is because of the advancement in the availability of batteries that the contemporary days are witnessing sustainable alternatives like electric vehicles.

But, what people deviate from focusing on is the rising contribution of batteries toward the widespread carbon footprint. There are people who are unaware that batteries comprise some immensely toxic heavy metals like lead, nickel, and lithium mined, incorporating energy-intensive processes. It doesn’t end here; extracting these resources equally involves rigorous approaches, eventually negatively affecting the environment.

So, what are the methods to recycle batteries?

But First, How Exactly Are Batteries Detrimental To The Surroundings?

To understand why battery waste rules or battery customs speak widely of battery recycling, we need first to understand the composition of batteries. The standard batteries are created with metals and chemicals like acid and lead located in diesel and gasoline vehicles. The other type includes cadmium and nickel, which are available in household batteries.

The other kind is lithium-ion which is majorly utilized in rechargeable batteries for powering phones, laptops, and numerous electric vehicles as well. The recent times are witnessing a boost in the production of lithium-ion batteries leading to its price reduction. But that also brings us to a concerning factor - how to dispose batteries in India

Every year, enormous amounts of batteries are thrown away because of the termination of their shelf life. You will encounter the majority of these batteries in landfills, where they undergo the act of decomposition. But during that process, batteries have the tendency to emit toxic chemicals into the air, adversely affecting the waterbodies and land.

What are the Top Ways to Make More Batteries More Sustainable?

The only positive news among all these is there are ways to make batteries more sustainable. There are, in fact, plentiful benefits of recycling batteries, and the top one is keeping the environment toxin-free. Let us check the top approaches to battery waste recycling.

  1. Substitute the Battery Composition

The first and foremost approach to battery waste recycling is substituting the composition with a more toxin-free one. The current version of most batteries comprises noxious elements like cadmium, mercury, and more. This choice of materials makes battery waste recycling more complicated. So what is a safer alternative?

Aluminium batteries are safer alternatives, though this requires ample research to be conducted for widespread use. But the moment it becomes available to the general public, it will become seamless for community battery recycling India to become functional.

  1. Battery Recycling

Among the commonest of all, recycling batteries is considered a go-to option for sustainability. The best part about recycling batteries is that, this process averts their possibility of clustering in the landfills. Today, 95% of Li-ion batteries end up in landfills, and only a handful 5% is recycled. Report states that the Indian market is supposed to culminate to 132GWh in 2030.

If batteries are prevented from landing in landfills, the environment will be protected from air and water pollution. This whole act would further direct towards remanufacturing and reusing of the product, thereby lessening the drive for fresh products. Though, you need to understand the recycling process is quite an uphill battle - especially when there is a blend of products. No wonder India is experiencing a pretty hard time properly implementing it.

  1. Assuring the Right Disposal of Batteries

The ideal way to address the battery waste recycling issue is ensuring they are disposed in a valid manner. What does this mean? Let us understand this with a real-life instance. You are not supposed to throw batteries in your regular dustbins at home. This way, it has a probability to release chemicals and explode.

What you can do is, learn from the best EPR company, check how they have explained the disposal process. Find a battery authorization centre near you, and hand them over. Alternatively, you can choose to donate the batteries your nearest charity organizations accepting electronic donations.

  1. Take Note of Batteries’ Lifespan

You need to be a good learner and start grasping knowledge about diverse batteries’ lifespans. It is essential to have comprehensive idea about the extend of a battery before you purchase another. Know its sort, usage, and size. How will this help you? Once you are aware, you will cease to buy ample batteries in advance.

  1. Opt for Rechargeable Batteries

If you are an avid battery user, then the best alternative would be buying rechargeable batteries. This is one of the best approaches to  saving the planet from excessive battery waste. Once you have rechargeable batteries, you don’t have to worry about throwing them away because you can simply charge your dead batteries.

As residents of the world, it is our responsibility to ensure we are religiously abiding by the battery waste rules. Associating with a reputed organziation like Karo Sambhav that has niche expertise in battery customs and EPR will certainly assist you in gaining more knowledge about battery waste management and being a reliable citizen.

Read More : https://sambhavkaro4.livepositively.com/what-are-the-fairest-approaches-to-make-batteries-more-sustainable/


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