Circular Economy and Sustainability | Karo Sambhav

 Reduce, reuse, and recycle; circular economy is the only efficient solution to a sustainable environment. Unlike the linear economy model focusing on take, make, and waste, circular economy envisions creating a robust economic system with no waste. Wondering if a sustainable system like this can exist? Of course, it can, and it is!

So what is circular economy?

Simply put, circular economy sustainability is a well-thought model of production and consumption that involves reusing, repairing, refurbishing, and recycling products. It is no secret that natural resources across the world are constantly depleting. Also, the surging volumes of waste contribute to global crises like pollution, biodiversity loss, and climate change. Therefore, circular economy serves as a crucial instrument to tackle the planetary crisis by recapturing waste as rich resources to manufacture newer products and newer raw materials.

The benefits of circular economy are not just limited to sustainability. For instance:

  • Circularity encourages manufacturers to redesign materials and products that are less resource intensive
  • The enhanced model of production and consumption focuses on keeping resources longer in the loop
  • In addition to improved resource productivity, circular economy aims to lessen the emission of toxic greenhouse gases.

Circular economy is all about restoring natural systems and reducing the consumption of energy and raw materials.

Circular economy – the processes involved.

A strategic circular economy model works towards reducing wastage and pollution. Are you keen to know about the processes involved? Let's take a quick look:

  • Circular economy demands efficient utilisation of resources
  • Optimised application of renewable energy sources
  • Improved recycling
  • Refurbishing and reusing products to keep the materials longer in a closed loop
  • A responsible shift in consumption patterns.

What are the four substantial pillars of circular economy?

Now that you are aware of what circular economy is all about and the processes involved let's learn about the four quintessential pillars of the circular economy model. Here's what it includes:

1. Sustainable resources

The environmentally-sound and strategic principles of circularity highlight the importance of maximising the use of renewable energy sources and biodegradable and recyclable materials.

2. An innovative approach to using the product as a service

Circular economy motivates businesses to offer services that can alternate the replicated use of products. It is a smart way to optimise the usage of services and minimise the physical use of products.

3. Sharing and leasing of resources

Circularity involves the creation of tools that allow brand owners, manufacturers, and users to collaborate, share and increase the use of resources, services, and products to minimise waste.

4. Extend the life of products

Do you know what's primarily needed for circular economy and sustainability? Stretched and longer life cycles of products. Hence, circularity signifies the possibility of repairing, refurbishing, upgrading, and regenerating products to serve a longer life cycle.

Thus, circular economy offers promising growth for environmental sustainability via innovation, competitiveness, and environmental protection.

What is EPR, and what role does it play in a circular economic model?

It is a no-brainer that embracing circular economy demands a deeper understanding and a change in a consumer's attitude towards waste. Why just a consumer? Producers or manufacturers, importers, and brand owners must focus on ways to diminish waste and nip the creation of waste at the source. In short, a well-thought waste management strategy is required in every segment, especially in the entrepreneurial and manufacturing circles. Hence, The Union Ministry of Environment, Forest, and Climate Change (MoEFCC), in association with the government and state and central pollution control board, introduced EPR, a pragmatic policy approach that obligates PIBOs (Producers, Importers, and Brand Owners) to undertake the financial and environmental responsibility of products.

So, What is EPR?

EPR is an abbreviation for Extended Producer Responsibility. It is an environmental policy that outlines the responsibility of producers to collect, dismantle, treat, and manage appropriate disposal of products, including end-of-life post-consumer products. Furthermore, describing EPR as an environmental protection strategy is more appropriate. It familiarises manufacturers with the environmental costs associated with a product throughout its lifecycle.

Well, are you curious to know how EPR, an obligatory environmental policy, play a critical role in the expansion of circular economy? To begin with, EPR is made mandatory to minimise the irresponsible disposal of waste and the environmental impacts of waste. Besides, the regulations inspire manufacturers and brand owners to create a growing market for recycled and refurbished materials. Of course, this implies a lesser burden on the mining of new raw materials and hence, an economic boost.

What are the processes that EPR includes?

It is clear that EPR is an initiative to drive circular economy sustainability. Although mandatory, businesses are still unclear about ways to manage and implement Extended Producer Responsibility in the country. Let's clear the air and explain a little about EPR.

The regulations vest entrepreneurs and manufacturers with the responsibility to design, build, or associate with a robust infrastructure to collect, segregate, store, process, and dispose of waste without impacting the environment. In short, Extended Producer Responsibility entrusts PIBOs with a lawful obligation to channelise waste disposal and cap the rising volumes of toxic waste.

Karo Sambhav, one of India's most renowned and leading Producer Responsibility Organisation, helps brands, businesses, entrepreneurs, and importers manage and comply with Extended Producer Responsibility norms in India. The organisation facilitates the successful implementation of EPR rules in India to channel waste disposal correctly.

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